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live stock n.家畜,牲畜 ( a live stock farmi...

live studio

Indoor discussion in tepid security of unsolved historical and criminal problems : lecture of unexpurgated exotic erotic masterpieces : house carpentry with toolbox containing hammer , awl , nails , screws , tintacks , gimlet , tweezers , bullnose plane and turnscrew . might he become a gentleman farmer of field produce and live stock 室內:在一片溫煦的安寧中,探討種種迄今尚未解決的歷史方面或犯罪學方面的問題講解外國未經刪節的色情名著做家庭木工,工具箱里裝著鐵錘錐子鐵釘螺釘圖釘螺絲錐鑷子刨子和改錐。

And he had experience of the like brood beasts and of springers , greasy hoggets and wether wools , having been some years before actuary for mr joseph cuffe , a worthy salesmaster that drove his trade for live stock and meadow auctions hard by mr gavin low s yard in prussia street 卡夫乃一可敬之生意人,在普魯西亞街加文洛先生的牧場附近從事畜牧業,在草地上拍賣牲畜。因此,布盧姆對傳種牲畜產前之母牛滿兩歲之肥公豬以及閹羊,均十分熟悉。

Some , to the fountain ; some , to the fields ; men and women here , to dig and delve ; men and women there , to see to the poor live stock , and lead the bony cows out , to such pasture as could be found by the roadside 有的人到泉水邊去,有的人到田野里去。男的,女的,有的在這邊挖地,有的在那邊照顧可憐的牲口,把瘦瘠的母牛牽到路邊能找得到的草地上去。

For the purpose of this example , it is not necessary to display live stock information and is preferable to trade stale stock prices for faster display performance 對于本示例,沒有必要顯示實時股票信息,為了獲得更快的顯示性能,最好使用舊的股票價格進行交易。

The trader waked up bright and early, and came out to see to his live stock . 那人販子一大清早就醒來了,他隨即出來查點他的活人商品。